Falsely Arrested by Scottsdale Police


Civil Rights Violations by the Scottsdale Police

Every time I am stopped by the cops I tell them I am taking the 5th and refusing to answer their questions.

Each and every time I have done this the cops have lied and told me I don't have any 5th Amendment rights in this case and I have to answer their questions.

If you look at this Supreme Court it sounds like it is routine for cops in the entire country to flush people 5th Amendment rights down the toilet!


Court begins with argument over lawyer request

Posted 10/5/2009 12:17 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court began its new term trying to decide how long a suspect's request for a lawyer is valid. The justices heard their first arguments of the 2009 term Monday morning. The court will have to decide whether to throw out a prisoner's sexual abuse conviction because he asked a police officer for a lawyer two years and seven months before he confessed to another police officer.

The court has a new look this term. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court's first Hispanic justice, replaced retired Justice David Souter.

Although she's the newest justice, Sotomayor peppered the arguing lawyers with as many questions as her eight more experienced colleagues.


Bad Scottsdale Cops